
November 04, 2014

If anyone suggests you should do tonsillectomy, DO NOT take their advice. It hurts like a fucking bitch intent on scratching your throat into bloody shreds and then beating it into pulp.

Day 1 of the surgery :

I woke up after the operation still able to talk, i remembered saying "it's over?", "it's so painful", "can i keep the blanket?" all under the influence of GA. Then I woke up fully at around 2pm, and it bloody hurts. It hurts more than eating glass i think. I couldn't talk, the feeble attempts only produced childlike whispers. Most of all, I couldn't eat or drink and I was hungry like hell. After taking the painkillers I just went back under, blissful oblivion.

Day 2 :

Hurts still, but able to talk a little louder, ate like 1 -2 spoonfuls of bland bland porridge, sipped water, had visitors who saved me from going crazy, went back to sleep and dreamt of subway(i clearly remembered the dream). Keep forcing down the medicines regardless or you're going to have a rough time. I requested for a sleeping pill and I really just knocked out. Best. Sleep. Ever.

Day 3 :

Discharged, went home, started eating porridge with like some flavor (it's like heaven), all food must be warm, it can't be hot or you will die. Kept a big bottle of water next to me, and kept drinking non-stop. Make sure the meds are on time, seriously.

Day 4 :

If anyone cut me open, porridge will most probably be running through my veins. I'm so sick of porridge. Ate ice cream which whatever people say, actually does not really help, it doesn't relieve the pain but it doesn't hurt either. I want fried chicken, pizza, whatever.

Day 5 :

Same routine, but i stopped taking one medicine, i think it was the liquid panadol. By the way all my medicines were in liquid form. Still hungry for solid food.

Day 6 :

I can talk more clearly now and I can open my mouth pretty much fully. I think I can start to wean off the medicine, it feels like there is a lump in my throat and it gets a little scratchy kind of feeling. I've got to stop daydreaming about food. I left probably like 2 days worth of medicine max and I think it's okay. I had fish soup, ice cream and a hell lot of saliva in my mouth. I can't see the back of my throat though. And, you know the feeling you get when the water goes in the wrong airway and you start choking? I keep getting that feeling but I don't actually choke. I wonder if it's because the tonsils are gone. Apparently mine were scarily huge.

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